The Southern California Region of Co-Dependents Anonymous relies on Seventh Tradition donations to provide delegates to CoDA World, provide services to all the Southern California Intergroups, as well as supporting the Annual Conference.
Form in Acrobat PDF format 7th-trad-socalcoda.PDF
Form in MS Word format 7th-trad-socalcoda.DOC
20% to SoCal CoDA
10866 Washington Blvd. #1266
Culver City, CA 90232
Zelle account:
30% to CoDA World
CoDA, Fellowship Services Office
7375 East 6th Ave
Suite 9
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Make checks payable to "CoDA, Inc."
Zelle account:
For PayPal, go to the Donation Page
50% to your Intergroup
Please see SoCal Communities to find your intergroup.
If you do not have an intergroup, the suggested donation percentages are as follows:
65% to SoCalCoDA (see address or forms above)
35% to CoDA World (see address or forms above)